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Year 1

Welcome to Willow Tree Class

Dear Parents, 


Welcome to Year 1! We are very excited to be starting a new academic year with your children and we have really enjoyed getting to know them so far.


Willow Tree Class will be exploring a range of new topics this term which will help to develop new skills and build upon old skills. The children will be exploring the history of toys and our local area in History and Geography and investigating materials in Science. For more details on the Year 1 curriculum for the Autumn term please see the table on the next page.


Key information for Year 1


PE lessons will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays. PE lessons will be both inside and outside so please ensure your child has the correct kit in school from the start of term, including a suitable pair of trainers.

We are also going to be having some of our Forest School lesson on Thursday afternoons. Please could you include a pair of trousers and a jumper in your child’s PE kit for these sessions.  


Class music lessons will be on a Monday afternoon with Mrs. Maxey.


Home Learning will be set on Tuesdays each week later in the half term and will focus primarily on a maths skills they have been working on during the week, spellings and reading. All homework will be set on google classroom using your child’s log in. When you have completed your homework you can press ‘hand in’ and attach any necessary tasks so we can have a look and add on house points!  We will provide you with the Google Login details closer to the time.


Reading: All children will be taking home their reading book which will be chosen for them by Mrs Roberts and Mr Langford. This book will have been specifically chosen to suit your child in order to increase their reading fluency. Your child is also welcome to choose a library book during the school day to take home- please ensure that this is returned to school when you have finished with it.


Please encourage your child to read as regularly as possible with an adult; five times a week is a good target! Your child will love sharing their book with any adults and will of course really enjoy being read to as well. Please remember to record any reading in their new journals to help the children earn reading stars and house points!


School Rules: Our school rules remain as Ready, Respectful and Safe. We have high expectations of every child in the class and will use house points, Golden Book certificates, class marble jar rewards and lots of praise to celebrate the children demonstrating these high expectations.


Mr Langford and Mrs Roberts

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